AutoMazen – Facebook – Meta – Instagram Pay Per Click Advertising

Visual Content

Facebook/Meta enables you to reach your potential customers with vivid and captivating content. This enhances the user experience by showcasing the product’s features, sharing customer feedback, and demonstrating its problem-solving capabilities

Targeted Traffic

Through Facebook/Meta advertising, we can precisely target individuals who show a high intent or interest in what you offer. By ensuring high visibility and presenting engaging content, we drive these potential customers to your website. Ultimately, higher quality traffic translates to increased conversions

Instant Visibility

With Facebook/Meta advertising, you can immediately target customers actively seeking what you offer. While SEO is a long-term strategy, paid advertising allows you to instantly compete with your competitors. Greater visibility leads to more sales.

Lookalike Audiences

By leveaging Facebook/Meta’s vast amound of data, we can targer users who are likely to be interested in your product based on characteristics of your existing audience.


Facebook/Meta provides a platform where users can engage with ads through likes, comments, shares and direct messaging with messenger.  This helps to build relationships with the customer, but also helping to increase your visibility further.

Credibility & Social Proof

Facebook/Meta ads that gather alot of positive interactions (likes, comments, share, hearts), boost your brand’s credibility through tangible social proof. This heightened credibility amplifies brand awareness. If your product is outstanding and loved by customers, their interactions can serve as powerful endorsements, effectively helping you sell.

Brand Community

Facebook/Meta is more than just an advertising platform. Through both Facebook/Meta and Instagram, it serves as a powerful community-building tool. We can assist you in cultivating a credible and loyal community that passionately supports your brand.


Facebook/Meta ads allow us to retarget visitors who left your website without finalizing a purchase or order. By reengaging these potential customers, we amplify your brand’s exposure and guide them back to your website to complete their transaction.

There are lots of ways to target customers with Facebook, Meta and Instagram Ads.  Here are some examples.

Video Ads

By harnessing Meta’s platform with video ads, you gain a dynamic medium to engage potential customers. This approach allows you to vividly showcase your offerings, present compelling social proof, and entice users toward making a purchase.

Photo Ads

Simple yet powerful, these ads can narrate a story or showcase your product using a striking image. Photo ads can either be a standalone image or part of a carousel to feature multiple products. We recommend testing both photo and video formats.


Meta gives you the ability to advertise directly within the messenger app, enabiling direct interaction with potential customers.


Instagram provides a platform for brands to showcase their products and services through immersive imagery and videos. The platform’s diverse ad formats, from Stories to Reels, allow for versatile brand presentations. By leveraging Instagram’s influential and creative environment, advertisers can effectively enhance brand awareness, drive conversions, and foster genuine customer relationships.

Why trust us with your Meta/Instagram Advertising?


Unlike many in the field, our expertise stems from personally establishing our eCommerce businesses and curating advertising campaigns on Meta and Instagram platforms. Such firsthand experience gives us a unique edge; managing our own advertising spend has granted us invaluable insights that often go unnoticed when handling another’s budget.

Our approach to budget allocation is calculated with a clear focus on ROI.

Many agencies might focus on drawing vast numbers of users, often neglecting the quality of engagement, we take a different tack.

We zero in on High Intent traffic. This approach may attract fewer users initially, but it ensures meaningful interactions and markedly improved conversion rates.

Meta Advertising

Up to £10k Spend

/ Monthly
  • Complete Setup
  • Audience Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • h Copywriting
  • l Designed Creatives
  • Landing Page Review
  • Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Optimization
  • Lead Generation
  • Weekly Reporting

Meta Advertising

£10k-£20k Spend

/ Monthly
  • Complete Setup
  • Audience Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • h Copywriting
  • l Designed Creatives
  • Landing Page Review
  • Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Optimization
  • Lead Generation
  • Weekly Reporting

Meta Training

15 Hours

  • Complete Setup
  • Audience Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • h Copywriting
  • l Design Creatives
  • Landing Page Review
  • Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Optimization
  • Lead Generation

No long-terms contracts.  You stay with us because you want to, not because you have to.