AutoMazen – Google Pay Per Click Advertising

Instant Visibility

With google advertising, you can target customers who are looking for what you offer.  Where SEO is a long term strategy, Paid advertising lets you compete with your competitors instantly.  More visibility, More Sales.

Targeted Traffic

With google advertising, we have the ability to specifically target customers with high intent/interest in what you have to offer.  Making sure that you are highly visible, with engaging content that drives them to your website.   Higher quality traffic leads to more conversions.

Measurable Results

With a combination of Google Ads and Google analytics, we can analyse the data to get a deeper understanding on the traffic, performance and conversions which allows us to make decision to improve performance and achieve a higher ROI.

Brand Awareness

Through Google’s Pay Per Click model, customers become more familiar with your brand even if they don’t click on your ads. Each time your ad appears in search results, it provides additional brand exposure. Over time, this consistent visibility can foster a sense of familiarity among users, even if they have never shopped with you.

Competitive Advantage

Google Search and Shopping campaigns enable you to position your ads at the top of search results, granting you a notable edge over competitors who depend exclusively on SEO. Furthermore, our expertise in targeting ads towards high-intent customers ensures you stay ahead of the competition.


Google Ads enable us to retarget customers who have visited your website without completing a purchase or order. This approach allows us to reengage with these potential customers, enhancing your brand’s exposure and guiding them back to your website to finalize their purchase or order.

How we target customers with Google.


These ads appear on the Google search results when someone searches for specific keywords.  They are highly effective for capturing potential customers who are actively searching for products or services within Google.  We can focus on high intent searches which leads to higher quality traffic and more conversions.


For eCommerce businesses who want to showcase products directly above the search ads with the product image, title, price and store name.  A combination of search and shopping when applicable helps to dramatically increase visibility.


Googles Display ads allows you to target a wider audience across the Google Display Network, which includes millions of websites.  They are great for increased brand exposure and for retargeting customers who have previously interacted with your website.


Video ads offer a dynamic and engaging way to connect with audiences. Video content can convey complex messages, evoke emotions, and tell a compelling story in a short span of time. They are particularly effective in capturing attention and a potent tool for brand promotion, product launches, and driving conversions.

Why trust us with your Google Advertising?


Unlike many competitors, we’ve personally built our own eCommerce businesses and managed our advertising campaigns on Google. This firsthand experience provides us with a distinct advantage; managing one’s own advertising budget imparts insights that are often overlooked when overseeing someone else’s funds.

Our budgeting is strategic.

While many agencies chase after generic traffic, aiming for sheer volume without considering conversion rates, we prioritize differently.

We emphasize High Intent traffic, which might translate to fewer visitors but results in significantly more relevant engagement and higher conversion rates

Google Advertising

Up to £10k Spend

/ Monthly
  • Complete Setup
  • Audience Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • h Copywriting
  • l Designed Creatives
  • Landing Page Review
  • Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Optimization
  • Lead Generation
  • Weekly Reporting

Google Advertising

£10k-£20k Spend

/ Monthly
  • Complete Setup
  • Audience Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • h Copywriting
  • l Designed Creatives
  • Landing Page Review
  • Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Optimization
  • Lead Generation
  • Weekly Reporting

Google Training

15 Hours

  • Complete Setup
  • Audience Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • h Copywriting
  • l Design Creatives
  • Landing Page Review
  • Campaign Management
  • Budget Management
  • Optimization
  • Lead Generation

No long-terms contracts.  You stay with us because you want to, not because you have to.