AutoMazen and Klavyio – Intelligent Email Marketing

Email Segmentation

Klaviyo’s advanced segmentation capabilities allows us to segment your audience based on behaviors, location, purchase history, product interests and much more to have highly targeted personalized marketing.


Klaviyo integrates seamlessly with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento and more.  Making it easier to sync data and automate workflows.

Automated Workflows

Klaviyos automated email flows allows you to prevent lost sales, nurture subscribers into customers, build brand loyalty, re-targeting to increase sales, encourage repeat customers and send order updates.

Detailed Analytics

With Klaviyo’s detailed analytics, it helps you get an understand on your websites performance. Viewed Products, Added to carts, Conversions as well as predictive analytics with data science and machine learning techniques.  Utilizing Klaviyo’s analytics will help you make data decisions to improve your websites performance and maximize conversions.

Personalized Automation

Klaviyo allows you to create advanced automations where you can target specific customers based on there interaction. You can have personalized emails for various attributes like a specific product, rather than all products. Creating a better customer experience, more targeted and better conversions.

Behavioral Targeting

Klaviyo’s behavioral targeting data helps you to make informed decisions based on facts. It improves customer engagement, increases deliver-ability and makes your marketing spend more efficient and effective leading to higher conversions. 

Benefits of working with AutoMazen and Klaviyo

Designed Templates

We have proven email templates and strategies that our graphic designers will use to create bespoke designs specific to your brand.  Ensuring all emails are inline with your brand identity to increase your brand recognition with your targeted audience.

List Segmentation

We will optimize and clean your email list into targeted segments based on our audience research.  This allows us to provide personalized content which can lead to higher conversions.  The right message going to the right person.

Email Automations

We will create very specific and bespoke email automation’s for targeting new and existing customers to maximise your ROI (Return on Investment) and increase your AOV (Average Order Value).  This will continually evolve based on performance and interaction data.


Our copywriters will write bespoke and engaging content that resonates with your target audience for higher engagement, more interaction and better conversion rates leading to growth.

Management & Optimization

Your dedicated account manager will provide feedback and recommendations for optimization and improvements to increase performance with a key focus on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Advanced Reporting

Detailed reporting allowing you to understand your Klaviyo email performance on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis.

Why Email Marketing?


Cost Savings

Return on Investment

Increased Brand Awareness

Engaged Web Traffic for Retargeting






Design & Setup

5 Flows & 2 Campaigns

  • Complete Setup

          (2-3 Weeks)

  • Lead Capture Setup
  • Branded Email Design
  • 0 5 Automation Flows
  • 2 Campaigns Emails
  • Company Research
  • Audience Research
  • Customer Segmentation
  • h Copywriting
  • Optimization

Monthly Management

50 Hours per Month

/ Monthly
  • Complete Setup

          (2-3 Weeks)

  • Lead Capture Setup
  • Branded Email Design
  • 0 Automation Flows (Unlimited)
  • Campaign Emails (Unlimited)
  • Company Research
  • Audience Research
  • Customer Segmentation
  • h Copywriting
  • Optimization
  • Fortnightly Reporting
  • Fortnightly Meetings

Adv Monthly Management

100 Hours per Month

/ Monthly
  • Complete Setup

          (2-3 Weeks)

  • Lead Capture Setup
  • Branded Email Design
  • 0 Automation Flows (Unlimited)
  • Campaign Emails (Unlimited)
  • Company Research
  • Audience Research
  • Customer Segmentation
  • h Copywriting
  • Optimization
  • Weekly Reporting
  • Weekly Meetings
  • w Consultancy

No long-terms contracts.  You stay with us because you want to, not because you have to.